Error message after changing board

I got this error message after changing the target board from a NANO with old bootloader to a MEGA 2560. Restarting and reopening XOD doesn’t work.
After saving the project (with the new upload settings) and uploding again it worked correctly.

Begin compiling code for the board Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560

Error: Error resolving FQBN: getting build properties for board arduino:avr:mega: invalid value ‘atmega328old’ for option ‘cpu’
Compilation failed.
Compilation failed
Command C:\Program Files\XOD IDE\resources\arduino-cli.exe --config-file=C:\Users\OPTIPL~1\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-cli1ts1fB\.cli-config.yml compile --fqbn arduino:avr:mega:cpu=atmega328old C:\Users\OPTIPL~1\AppData\Local\Temp\xod_temp_sketchbook2nDXN0\xod_1540576586285_sketch failed with code 1
The generated C++ code contains errors. It can be due to a bad node implementation or if your board is not compatible with XOD runtime code. The original compiler error message is above. Fix C++ errors to continue. If you believe it is a bug, report the problem to XOD developers.

@dox, thanks for the report!
It’s a real bug and we have reproduced it and created an issue:
Will fix very soon and release 0.25.2 version.

While you are waiting for the hotfix, you could just reselect manually option in the “Upload” popup, so it will try to upload with just selected “Processor” option, instead of saved previously option.

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