i keep getting the following error message when trying to upload.
normally, when using this board in Arduino IDE i need to set the CPU and the voltage/freq.
e.g. ATmega328P (3.3V, 8 MHz)
in version 0.24.0 i could and i had to set the correct device as well.
help very much appreciated. thanks.
Uploading compiled code to the board...
avrdude: invalid baud rate specified '{upload.speed}'
Error: exit status 1
Error during upload.
Upload tool exited with error
Command `C:\Users\tb\AppData\Local\Programs\XOD IDE\resources\arduino-cli.exe --config-file=C:\Users\tb\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-clibE7z35\.cli-config.yml upload --fqbn arduino:avr:pro --port COM30 -t C:\Users\tb\AppData\Local\Temp\xod_temp_sketchbookVEzOUw\xod_1539808437696_sketch` failed with code 1
Make sure the board is connected, the cable is working, the board model set correctly, the upload port belongs to the board, the board drivers are installed, the upload options (if any) match your board specs.
this is how it looks in Arduino.