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The 27mm linear servo won’t work on the rear, I need 36mm to cover gear cluster

And the bit about pocket rocket sprockets to pinions is best shown with the difference between normal bike chain, and pocket motor bikes
The normal bikbike chain is on the right, pocket sprocket on the left

Just to show how much a non linear servo motor needs to rotate to push a derailleur in a straight line across 4 & 7 gears

Each slot is the various movement from rotational to linear, so yep definitely gonna get me some linear servo motors

just tried to upload both XODballs that Mitch-Bogart sent through to me, and each time I get this response;

Upload failed
Command Process exited with code 1
Make sure the board is connected, the cable is working, the board model set correctly, the upload port belongs to the board, the board drivers are installed, the upload options (if any) match your board specs.

Yet the Arduino is showing the yellow LED and the Green LED

Bike Gears with motor.xodball (22.2 KB)

XOD is not able to find your Arduino board; that would be unrelated to the specific patches/xodballs.

Are there other serial port options? Have you tried unplugging the Arduino for a minute, then plugging it back in? Does that change available list for Serial port?

Surface Pro 4 only has 1 USB port, and the Arduino was directly plugged into that.
Apart from knowing how to use Excel, Word, Chrome, Cad etc, I know nothing about finding ports, changing ports etc etc
So any guidance is much appreciated

Your last picture above shows Serial Port: COM3(Microsoft). Does the drop-down show any other options after you plug in Arduino, wait 20 seconds, & hit the Refresh button?

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i actually just found the drop down thingy that said about the arduino boards, and clicked on the uno one, and it’s uploaded YAYAY me!

just need to figure out how to actually wire all my sensors, lcd, gps, real time clock etc

quick question, how many "watch screens " can we have in one XODball?
I presume that each watch screen can be shown on a separate part of the lcd screen, just not sure I know how to get to that bit , yet.

I’ll not sure I even understand the question. What do you mean by “watch screen”? When you say “LCD screen” do you mean computer screen, or LCD attached to Arduino?

You can only display one patch at a time in XOD. When you perform an upload, the currently displayed patch becomes the main or starting point for your program. It is also the only patch that will update any “watch” nodes in debug mode. If you want to watch data from other nodes, they will need to put the data to an output pin so it can be passed back to the main patch and displayed from a watch node there.

If you are trying to pass data to an attached LCD screen, you will have the same issue. The standard 2 or 4 line LCD nodes in XOD will clear the screen before updating our write blanks over lines with no input, so you can not just update one part of the LCD. gweimer/utils has a modified LCD node that will allow you to update one line of an LCD without erasing other lines, but even that doesn’t support partial line updates. Having patches return data so all data can be displayed from a single patch would allow all the data to be concatenated and displayed on one LCD. I think you can update just a part of the screen if you switch to a graphical LCD.

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is a 128*64 LCD dot matrix “screen” the sort of screen you are referring to as “a graphical LCD”?

Sorry if I don’t know the correct terminology, still only just tipping my toes into this world of programming circuits

Probably? Does it let you show a picture over the entire display, or is it split into lines of text? Is there a XOD node or library that lists your display as being supported?

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Honestly, I have no idea.
I haven’t got to the part of knowing how to connect the wires for the 128*64 LCD dot matrix thingy

Hi guys. So sorry I was away with family and a brief hospital stay polishing off my Covid (I was tested, positive, and after two weeks gave the hospital a try. 4 days, the controversial protocol, and it worked!).

Back to this favorite (for some reason) project :-).
Regarding the extension of linear motion, there is a 4-lever device called a pantograph that expands or decreases linear motion in 2 dimensions, used by artist for copy/tracing artwork.

Because you really need only one dimension of motion expansion, I think it can be even simpler, for example a simple single “see-saw” lever with the fulcrum in the middle or shifted to multiple the linear motion. If the pivot point is 3/7 of the way from one end to the other, a linear motion of 27mm will exactly translate to a (reverse) linear motion of 36mm.
You can put the pivot fulcrum 1/3 of the way between the ends. Then the ratio of motion is 1:2. The 27mm of motion will translate to 54mm. Then in software, you have a first sprocket and a last sprocket trim values, easily adjusted with either +/- button pushes, or a pot in adjust mode so that you put into adjust mode, turn your pot so it is at one extreme and press a save button, and then turn the pot so it is at the other extreme and hit the save button. (Perhaps 2 buttons - a SavePos1 button and a SavePos7 button). Then because its all linear motion, the 5 in between positions are all interpolated. (After calculating the Pos7 minus Pos1 amount, call it delta, the 7 gear positions become:
Pos1 + delta/6,
Pos1 + 2delta/6,
Pos1 + 3
Pos1 + 4delta/6,
Pos1 + 5
Pos2 (same as Pos1 + 6*delta/6)

Regarding the display, when I switched to a small graphic display (128x64 OLED), it used up all my Arduino Nano Ram memory. I switched to the much larger “Teensy 4.0” and it all fit but, alas, Teensy is not yet supported in XOD.

Therefore imho, I say stay with the very efficient, low overhead, 16 char 4 line LCD display and use gweimer’s lcd-i2c-init-v library and set it to 4 lines. Then always write a whole line at a time (with only the initial power-up lcd clearing) and the display will always look like live changing numbers. Who cares if the text/labels before the numbers get invisibly rewritten?

The watch nodes are only for debugging and you would replace the 4-line LCD node with 4 watch nodes since there is no lcd simulation.
Glad you got the upload working, and are going with linear actuators. It could winningly outperform the overpriced digital Shimono stuff!

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Mitch please give me a simple mudmap of your mechanical bits, and then I’ll draw them into my CAD and play with them till I get everything to fit in the physical bits.
I’ll be getting the linear servos soon

Ok this is the shopping list for the linear servos.

Do you reckon it will suffice for torque limits to move both deraileurs across the distances (27/36)
Haven’t purchased anything yet, just priced and noted details

I do. 1.3 lbs of force seems to be a lot for a derailleur. I think for a needed force of over a lb to move a derailleur it must be ridiculously stuck.

This mechanism animation looks like what I had in mind. You don’t need the vertical adjustment part, I think. As long you expand the extension beyond what you need, you simple trim it down in software.

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