[SOLVED] Can't publish library

I wrote some simple logic to work with the stepper 28BYJ-48 but I when I try to publish the library it fails. It returns 404 for /orgs/:username and for /orgs/:username/libs/:libname.

Am I doing something wrong?

hi, yes …version 0.0.0
place at least 0.0.1 and always to update a higher number

I tried with 0.0.1 as well.

It is probably an issue with my account because it is returning 404 for /orgs/txgruppi and for /orgs/txgruppi/libs/stepper-28byj48.

A validation error should not return 404, considering the API respects the HTTP status code standards.

If, in addition to the library version, it can also be a login problem, I forgot about that

I also tried sign in and out several times =/

name only stepper-28byj48 .

Sorry but I didn’t get it. What about the name?

Only the name of the library, you are placing “user + /”

When a new theme is created, with the title of the library. In the description the link, capture, etc :slightly_smiling_face:

This is just how the UI shows it. I’m writing only the library name.

yes, try to publish now

Same errors. The txgruppi/ is added by the UI, I don’t type it.

sorry :man_facepalming: , I must think more before writing

A validation error should not return 404, considering the API respects the HTTP status code standards.

You’re right. This is a bug in the API. We did a little work with the wrench and now it should work. Can you try?

It worked! :tada:

Thanks! :heart:

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