Hey my fellow DIY’ers,
I’ve been curious about using graphical / visual programming for the arduino for a while now.
I have a fairly simple project I would like to make but when it comes to writing a sketch for the Arduino I’m completely lost. I have Dibble and Dappled with Arduino sketches in the past but mainly just modifying existing code and barely getting into work…
This project would entail using a AC current sensor (SCT-013-000) and a voltage divider in order to read DC voltage and multiply the two together and output the value onto a LCD screen.
Is this something that can be done using XOD? I would assume this would be fairly easy as long as there is a “Module / Node” for the SCT-013-000 Current Sensor within XOD.
Thanks guys. Also if this is possible, any advice or pointers you can give me would be greatly appreciated.