Taking experimental requests: to convert Arduino IDE libraries

Is there an Arduino IDE library that you 'd like to have available for XOD?

I have a (still a hack) tool that needs more work.

Suggest a library that you are going to use, and I’ll convert it. But:

  • Give the url to the actual code (or the name used in “add library” in Arduino IDE).
  • Tell me what features you think you are going to use (though I’ll try to convert the whole library).
  • Tell me how popular you think the library is.
  • You have to be willing to test the converted XOD library, and report back.
  • You have to accept that the conversion will have problems.
  • Help me figure out the problems, so I can fix it (or figure out that I can’t fix it!)
  • Be patient, I usually have time for this only on weekends.
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Hi awgrover, what do you think of this nRF24L01 https://github.com/nRF24


That would be a nice one it’s on my to-do list would love to see how it converts.

Hi Awgrover,
4D Systems produce a series of touchscreen displays, including Arduino compatible interfaces and a free programming environment that allows direct coding, or wysiwyg drag-and-drop programming of sophisticated customised user interfaces. (https://www.4dsystems.com.au/product/4D_Workshop_4_IDE/downloads)

They provide an Arduino IDE library that allows one to use to programmed touchscreen displays - with Arduino-to-screen-widget communication through a serial port. It would be a huge boost if one could use XOD nodes to communicate with screen-based switches, gauges, knobs, etc. (https://github.com/4dsystems/ViSi-Genie-Arduino-Library)

There’re links to more details at https://www.biomaker.org/technical-resources/

If you or others are interested in this - we can provide some hardware, as part of the Biomaker Challenge, based in Cambridge (https://www.biomaker.org/information/)

Best regards, Jim Haseloff


I was just about to ask about this library lol.
maybe start with the serial controll libary

As it is a simple library to implement but a LOT of nodes to create i have started with some of the basic ones but to be able to have them all generated quickly would be great :smile:

looking at the ViSi-Genie library it may have to be done by hand or at least altered after conversion(due to the callback, but i think i have a way around that).
I grabbed one of the smaller versions yesterday to start just this so i can test and tweak if you like?
These display’s are amazingly easy to use i want to get one of the bigger ones later.
jh295 how would i go about requesting one of these?

Nevermind read your post properly…lol i will submit an application.:smile:

I’ll assume you meant: GitHub - nRF24/RF24: OSI Layer 2 driver for nRF24L01 on Arduino & Raspberry Pi/Linux Devices

First attempt is probably disappointing (check the readme patch for many skipped methods):

Failed to generated patches for many methods because there were argument types of void*. e.g.:

void read( void* buf, uint8_t len );

That looks like bad style, should be something like byte* or byte[]. But, it is a old common idiom, especially for C programmers.

Not sure what to do here. At minimum, it seems like a custom type like xod/byte_buffer for these? However, there is a question of responsibility for memory management, which is a long-standing problem with “foreign-function-interface” with C code: who allocates the space and who reclaims it? Could maybe signal part of this (byte buf[] implies passing in an allocated buffer). In Arduino land, malloc() and free() is rare, and we can usually assume static allocation. Should I just do that? Which may imply a “make-buffer” patch?

Failed to generate patches for some methods with usage like whatHappened(bool& tx_ok.... I think, for scalars, things like bool& tx_ok just means “emit that argument(s)” (i.e. a return value). I can work on that.

I can at least open this as a project, so the project.xod and .xodp aren’t completely messed up.
rf24-ll.xodball (147.8 KB)

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Hello, there are several libraries, but that’s it.

You asked for details and I gave you a crude answer, I’m sorry.

I’ll try it on the next ones, since I’ve downloaded it.

Thank you

:beetle: #pragma XOD require "http://tmrh20.github.io/RF24"

fix #pragma XOD require "https://github.com/nRF24/RF24"

Interesting. I used the url value from the library.properties file:

sentence=A library for NRF24L01(+) communication.
paragraph=Optimized library for nRF24L01(+) that is simple to use for beginners, but yet offers a lot for advanced users. It also has a lot of good examples how to use the library.

Apparently the value is really “the website”, not necessarily where the code is.

This is why we should make at least 1 example! And, demonstrates that some manual work is often required.

My tool does have provision for overriding this value. How can I do a sanity check on the library.properties url, to validate that it points to an Arduino IDE library .git?

This is the address of the documentation / application

url git is library.json

Well, that shows the limitations of this simple mechanical conversion. Lots of methods have pointers, lots of methods have long ints. So, lots of methods got skipped (see the readme patch).

Is it useful as a starting place to do this mechanical conversion even when so incomplete? Is there a pattern that I could implement to deal with those pointers?

For what it’s worth:
geniearduino-ll.xodball (47.8 KB)

Yes, I understood that.

I was completely unaware of library.json. I see it is part of the platform.io world. I’ll try to have my tool use that file.

Of course, I expect you to edit the files for RF24 to fix/add things that my converter can’t do (or does wrong). And, if you see a pattern that the converter should do, I’ll see if I can add it.

I will try to make the missing ones

I just looked for it and I found it, I did not know

If you figure out a pattern we can automate, I’d be interested in putting in the tool.

void RF24::read( void* buf, uint8_t len ){

  // Fetch the payload    
  read_payload( buf, len );   

read needs read_payload to get the values of buf and len, this should be a utility node?

uint8_t RF24::read_payload(void* buf, uint8_t data_len)
  uint8_t status;
  uint8_t* current = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buf);

  if(data_len > payload_size) data_len = payload_size;
  uint8_t blank_len = dynamic_payloads_enabled ? 0 : payload_size - data_len;

You said there were a lot of methods, the tool made 154 method patches.

But, all of the patches have an error, because we failed to make the constructor, because the only constructor takes a pointer, so I skipped it.

This class has public instance variables! Error4D, etc. I turned off that code in my tool because I don’t know what patch(s) to produce. What should I generate? A getter (pulse to trigger)? A setter (like any other state-change-patch: pulse to trigger, output pulse?)?

Should probably figure out a mapping of XOD’s string to some useful type (const char[] seems hard)? It’s not clear which/what we should do: const char[], String &.

It occurs to me that we are doing a trivial wrapping of the “native” method. I’ve forgotten if there is a way to have c++ inline the actual method (and avoid the second call)?
picaso-serial-arduino-library-ll.xodball (566.0 KB)

How should we handle void * in general? I’m not sure what a utility node is, I see the patch xod/patches/utility (is that what you mean?), but I don’t know what it does.

To the patches that do not use the xoders, they are added Utility, when downloading the library they are hidden
In the project edition, UT will be added to the name


Hardware might be helpful - send me an email at jh295”at”cam.ac.uk, and we can sort out the details. I’ll reach out to engineers at 4D Systems too.
Jim Haseloff