XOD wont upload to my Uno

Hello everyone, i am new here and use Arduino Uno on windows 10 PC.
i am trying to connect my Uno to XOD but i get this error:

Error during Upload: uploading error: uploading error: exit status 1
Upload failed Command Process exited with code 1 Make sure the board is connected, the cable is working, the board model set correctly, the upload port belongs to the board, the board drivers are installed, the upload options (if any) match your board specs.

On Arduino IDE my board is seen and uploads with no problem.
So any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

Did you select the appropriate board type on the upload screen before attempting upload? That is the most likely problem if computer recognizes the board for Arduino IDE…

Absolutely, i triple checked its the correct Uno Genuino, and yes the Arduino IDE has no issue compiling/uploading to the Uno, but XOD has a different opinion. And i am not having both programs opened at t he same time, so the PORT is free (com4).

Oh hey, i FIXED IT, i searched and found that this driver was needed: CH340 Windows 10 driver download | arduined.eu
Just follow instruction how to install. Then you must:
Uninstall XOD, Restart PC/ unplug Uno, Reinstall XOD/Make an account, open XOD/ Log in to account/ Plug Uno/ and upload your code. Yey no more red for me!

Now XOD works with my Uno. :slight_smile: Hope this helps someone.

Well, XOD only connects once and then i have to save restart unplug and start plug again, and it still may not connect. So something is wrong indeed. HELP!

Hello! I have windows10 on my laptop, also UNO, when booting I select Arduino/Genuino UNO in the list. Everything works fine. Describe your problem in more detail.

On a laptop it works more often, but on my PC it just wont stop showing the red errors.
I just have a pot 1 in d10.

Error during build: exit status 1
Compilation failed
Command Process exited with code 1
The generated C++ code contains errors. It can be due to a bad node implementation or if your board is not compatible with XOD runtime code. The original compiler error message is above. Fix C++ errors to continue. If you believe it is a bug, report the problem to XOD developers.

What kind of patch are you loading? If you are loading in debug mode, you should remember that not all nodes support this. I would also recommend trying a different wire and a different board. How does a simple patch with a blinking LED behave?

No matter the patch, it just spits out this same error. Absolutely every thing i try, it only works once and then i have to reset/restart…that is not going to work and i will try another program.

The solution is to stop trying to work with XOD and move on to a tool that works off the bat.
Good luck all.

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