Hi all,
Can anybody help me to understand the following error message when trying to upload to a Uno? I am using Version 0.38.0 and the last upload was probably on 0.36.1 when all was ok.
I’m able to compile your patch for Arduino Uno using XOD 0.38.0. I suspect that on your system one of the built-in nodes is broken. The following post may contain the solution to your problem:
Thanks Matt for your (lightning quick!) response. Good to know that it is not a problem with my patch. I will delete the Xod folder, restart Xod and see if that sorts it.
Thanks again Matt, the info you supplied sorted the problem.
Also I will take this opportunity to thank you for all the work you do for us XODers.
I am using your avr-sleep library which works a charm controlling some LED’s in a battery driven application. I am able to control both the sequencing of the LED’s as well as the Off/On function with a single push-button.