Hello everyone, and so I laid out my esp8266 library for work, saved it locally on the computer and published it to the xod server (I thought so), but when I started my project back, I found that it wasn’t working or opening anything. I think okay, I’ll make a new one, re-do it, publish it, save it, and I can’t start my project again. I am very angry, I wrote some nodes from scratch, and it takes a long time to rewrite them. The saved file does not keep the code that I wrote in itself, only the position of the nodes in the plain …
So what’s now?
Your project is published as a library maks971014/esp8266-ap/, add the library
But be careful, if you work on it, the published one will not change, and if you download it again, it will delete the changes made.
To update the library you must go to “user/you-user/xod/__lib __ / you-name / you-lib” and open project.xod, upload the version and republish at the end of the work, now the load from the server will be this latest version.
But if your project is not a library you should save it somewhere else, for example desktop, in XOD project format or as Multifile XOD project. And work on it.