Some tips & tricks

The idea is to contribute my experience, here something about the management of libraries, if someone has something else to add, welcome!

  • Error
  • Cause of error:
    • In the folder "you_user"/xod/__ lib__/"username_lib"/ there may be a folder or node with invalid names, examples: utils - copy , Utils, UTILS, …that folder invalidates the xodball, even if a node of it is not used.
  • Solution:
    • library there is no solution because it cannot be downloaded.
    • The xodball file, edit manually and correct the invalid line.
    • Fix folder names in libraries

Unwanted changes in libraries.

If the content of a library is changed, a pin, a node, etc. is moved or deleted. that change may affect subsequent operation.

  • If the patch is not saved, the changes are not made, use reload ctrl + r.
    But if you are working on a project and you don’t want to lose the changes, you can save them in the following way.

    Without closing the current instance XOD(1), open XOD(2) again, create the necessary patches and copy from XOD(1) and paste into XOD(2).
    Reload or close without saving XOD(1), in XOD(2) the libraries will be without changes.

  • Another option is to go to the XOD working folder and in xod/__ lib __ / username_lib / find the folder and make a copy. Example: lib-orig -> lib-orig-copy, no spaces without capital letters.

    Save the project, close XOD and delete lib-orig and replace with lib-orig-copy.

PS: a library published on the can be re-downloaded, or a bifurcated XOD library can be deleted. But in a local libreary it is lost and cannot be recovered.

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Compile “without board”.

  • Sometimes I don’t want to upload a patch to the board, I just want to check that it compiles without errors.

    Since XOD currently doesn’t allow boardless compilation, I just plug a USB-to-TTL adapter into it. If all is well it will compile and will only show the loading error at the end.
    image image

    Could also use a physical serial port, or a virtual serial port, although it can happen that sometimes it keeps trying to load and it takes time to finish.

Direct upload HEX file generated by XOD.

  • First you have to search for the file in temporary folders

  • Then you can use Xloader (only for UNO, NANO and MEGA)

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