Where should i report this error?

This error message appeared

when using this node

Is this on my end? What should i do to fix it?

you can download that .zip file and unzip it to user/xod/__ ardulib__/

Adafruit_ADS1X15 and include the files inside, you can look at other libraries in the same folder to get an idea

I’ve down loaded and unzipped the directory XOD was asking for. I placed it in the following location:

It’s still not happy when I upload patch to arduino. I’m getting the same error message. Where have I gone wrong?

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You have put it __ lib __ and it must be in __ ardulib __

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To expand on cesars’ comment, you have put it in your workspace. You need to put it under the application install folder (which is where you will find __ardulib__).

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I have it in both places:

I closed XOD and reopened it, uploaded patch to arduino and got this request:

Still get this message:

What do you think is the problem? You can’t say me, I already know that.

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rename Adafruit_ADS1X15-master to Adafruit_ADS1X15
may not find the library because it has a “-” instead of “_”

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I’ll give it a try. Does the folder need to be in both places? or just the ardulib?

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Unfortunately, it’s the same story.

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Your username has a space, that caused error. I don’t know if it has been solved in the latest versions.

The folder is Krug Dustin /xod/__ ardulib __/

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C:\Program Files\XOD IDE\resources\workspace_ardulib_


These are the actual file locations. There can not be any spaces or dashes in the address?
Program Files has a space, XOD IDE has a space. Is this a problem?
Where is the ideal location for the ardulib and the lib files?

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no no, the folder is in users -> you-user -> xod


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This is what it should look like? I’ll give it a try.

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I got past the error. thank you.

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It’s strange enough that XOD failed to download the library automatically. Can you confirm that the *.zip file downloads OK if you type in the URL mentioned to Chrome as-is on your PC?

The above URL did down load correctly when I manually typed it in. In the process of relocating the downloaded file, I learned that the directory it needed to go into had administrative protections. Perhaps that had something to do with it not automatically working and going to the wrong directory.

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