SPI Nodes / XOD Library?

Anyone working on creating a set of SPI nodes / XOD Library?

Thought Iā€™d ask againā€¦

Bump ??

Hi, @robertspark!
The XOD SPI library is in development now. =)
We hope to introduce it soon.


Thanks very very much

And thanks for XOD and all youā€™ve done for it

Any news on this?

I assume its what I need too.

Iā€™m new to XOD and Arduino, and getting a compile error (ā€œfatal error: ā€˜SPI.hā€™ file not foundā€) when adding a [wayland/ssd1306-oled-i2c] component, and ā€œsimulatingā€ with it.

So not sure if theres another way to add an SPI.h file ? ā€¦ but still searching online.


You canā€™t simulate this device, that is why you have received the error.

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Awesome, thanks for the explanation, saves me days looking for a reason!

There may be a way in the tool (iā€™m new), but if not ā€¦ it would then be nice to have some simulation exclude option / wrapper / branch for non-supported nodes ā€¦ so flows donā€™t have to be modified to simulateā€¦ also like an {IFDEF} I guess.