Whenever try to save, opened save as menu. On 0.26.0 version
what is your systems? in w10 it works correctly, only the first time a project is saved is to save as
Hello, @koadrobot!
Could you provide some more information to help reproduce the bug:
- OS
- Full path to your workspace directory (Menu: File -> Switch Workspace. You’ll see the route)
Try to switch workspace to another new directory somewhere in Home directory (like “Documents” on Windows/MacOs) and reproduce the bug.
Hi @brusher_ru , I can confirm the error
1-save project as
2-Close xod
3-Open project with double click, the project has no name.
When saved, save as
Nice catch, thanks!
Created an issue: https://github.com/xodio/xod/issues/1612
Will fix soon.
You can grab a pre-release version here or wait for a “full” release of 0.26.1 until January 10.
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