It looks like the timer you’re talking about is actually a “Real Time Clock”. You need an I2C RTC.
For adjusting PID parameters with the the buttons, you gotta get in the menu mode… Maybe use the Line 1 to select the mode (which explicit PID parameter), then adjust it on Line 2. A state machine may be a good way to go with for that, and @gweimer has given excellent examples of “traffic light
advanced” (actually some of the most impressive work I’ve seen).
The strategy for the digits is to parse the value on the decimal “.” , and handle the integer and the fraction separately. Green light for the integer, yellow for the fraction, and red light for the storage of the value in a buffer or new FRAM memory (We could use the #SDread, if someone could figure out how to read a file and parse out data into an array (would want variadic node out!!!)).
In any case, these topics are covered in the forum. I’m searching for “adjust” or “adjust value” or “display adjust” or “RTC” or “clock”
Take a crack at it, and see what you can come up with. I know you can do it!