Nano problem, upload code

Hy friends, after accidentally pressing the reset button, my arduino nano doesn’t want to work anymore. I tried to install the bootloader but that doesn’t help either, I have 2 such cases on two arduino nanos. I’ve tried everything alive and it doesn’t want to. I don’t know what to do anymore. I still only have an arduino uno, which is too big for my project, so I tried using the Uno on the nano and it works, but on the arduino IDE software. The question is, is it possible to put the program on nano through Una but from the XOD software, I tried with the code generated by xod but there are a lot of errors, so I don’t think it works?

You will need to change what architecture you are uploading to in XOD. XOD needs to know that it is compiling for nano & not Uno.

I don’t know what you mean?

When you upload code from XOD, it brings up a window for you to select Board model. If you select the wrong model, upload is likely to fail. There are 4 different options for nano; If one doesn’t work, you can try the others.

Ok, solved. Thanks
I have another problem and I’ve been struggling for a long time and I can’t seem to solve it, everything works great as I want, except that I can’t tell the D7 to work only for a certain time when I turn it on (it only gets one pulse)? I tried everything and couldn’t solve it

Looks like D7 is used by digital-read node. If you only want to read at certain times, then you need to tell it when to read instead of setting UPD pin to LOOP. It needs a pulse every time you want it to update. If you want it to update every so many seconds, you could use a clock node to pulse it that often. If you only want to update it when a delay node expires, you could connect delay-DONE to digital-read-UPD. It depends what you need.

In your code above, you have the digital-read linked to flip-flop-SET, and there is nothing connected to the TGL or RST pins of the flip-flop, so once it gets turned on, it will never turn off again.

I’m not even sure what you are trying to do. The flip-flop fed by the digital read is feeding another flip-flop. The second flip-flop is set when the first one triggers, but it is also reset when the first one triggers (unless that is a pulse-on-false, but the flip-flop will never go false). The pulse-node feeds 2 any nodes, and the 1st any feeds into the 2nd any, so you indirectly feed the 2nd any node 2 copies of the pulse output.

you’re right, I’ll have to change the code a bit. Now I see that there is no good logic here. It won’t work like that. thank you, I will try to solve something. Is it possible to make the clock count up to a certain value and stop at that value and make pulse and not start again until the digital read activates it again?

And did any of you manage to upload xod to arduino via cell phone or tablet? is that possible?

The clock node only generates pulses as pre-defined intervals. You would need additional code to count, but if you want a specific number of pulses at a pre-defined interval, you know how long it needs to pulse, so you could use delay-ACT pin to enable the clock pulses. If you need a count, you can have clock increment a counter and add code to disable the clock node when specific count is reached. Exactly how to do this depends on what else you are doing.

It would be easier to help if we knew exactly what you are trying to get the code to do as a whole.

Here I changed the code a little, mainly to clarify, I would like D7 and D8 to be functional only when A3 is greater than 0.07 and not otherwise. Are the less and greater set well and does the light sensor have to be replaced on “if else” and D7 and D8 in its place if we look, or is it that good? Also, D5 (key) cancels the action, but sometimes D7 gives me an extra impulse after I turn on D5, can this be time-limited, let’s say when I turn on D5, for some say 5 seconds neither D7 nor D8 can start the action?

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