Missing the HygQhYlQw7 pin in rtc read how to fix it?

When trying to upload a patch to arduino, there was a problem when compiling the patch, writes:Dead Link error
The pin code “HygQhYlQw7” cannot be found in the patch with the path “xod-dev/ds-rtc/read”
Help fix this problem because there is no such pin in the read pin from rtc and in truth there is no such pin.
Thank you all in advance!

Since no one else has mentioned this, you may have a local over-ride of xod patches. Check your C:\Users\<username>\xod\__lib__ folder for a xod or xod-dev folder. If any exist, delete or rename them to get rid of your over-rides and restart XOD. These folders get created if you make changes to any xod nodes & save your project; unfortunately, there is no warning that you are changing the built-in definitions instead of auto-creating a new local node for yourself. You can always copy a built-in node to a new patch if you want a variation of a built-in node without affecting built-in nodes.

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thanks but its does not work.

Can you post your code (or image of the patch) so we can see how you are using the read patch?

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I found the problem! I accidentally deleted the sec pin in datetime, which just passed under this number
, and when I restored this pin again, not all connections were built back and in the read code, the connection with the SEC pin was simply lost!
I will give a little advice: DO NOT CHANGE THE ORIGINAL MOD BLOCKS WITHOUT COPYING THEM, and in general it is better not to change them: the consequences are not known.

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