Magnet encoder as5600 and esp32

I have magnet encoder as5600 and esp32.
I need to send the raw data from encoder to phone via bluetooth.
Who can help me to bring it to life?
Можно по-русски.

There is no bluetooth support built-in to XOD, but there are a couple libraries that might help you understand what is needed Libraries — XOD

Note that communicating with a phone will mean there needs to be something running on the phone. Someone here might be able to help you with that, but in general, it would be beyond the scope of this forum.

As for reading the as5600, the easy option in XOD would be to use PWM output with analog-read in XOD, but reading raw value via I2C would also be an option (it just requires quite a bit more programming).

An APP for phone is not a problem.
I need just XOD help to programm esp32.
I2С is needed.

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