Looking for new ideas for XOD-for-Science

We’ve just built an expanded kit of parts for XOD-based development of custom instrumentation, pictured below. Most of these components have some kind of useful application in biology - monitoring laboratory experiments or making field observations. Each one has some accompanying documentation and instructions for use - which can be seen at: Stage 2 — Biomaker.org (click on a component image to load the relevant information).

The documentation might be useful across the XOD community, so we’d like to share - and be grateful for any comments/suggestions for improvement. (And thanks to the XOD community for all the contributions that we have benefited from!)

There are a number of other interesting parts that suggest themselves: CO2 sensors, different light sensors, including spectrophotometric devices, laser light sources for imaging, potentiometers for bioelectronics - along with some need to compare related devices, like light and temperature sensors, etc.

We’re looking to further expand the collection of documented parts, and links to external libraries - and we’d be grateful for any suggestions.

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Do you have libraries for rs485 and “EasyTransfer” libraries?

Yes, RS485 communications are very important - my colleague Antonio Ruiz has been working with a number of RS485 sensors. He mentioned that he’d built a XOD library to work with TTL-RS485 converters - and has just posted it in the libraries section (antoniorruiz/rs485 — XOD). Worth giving a try, and I’m sure that Antonio would be interested in any feedback.

I’ve mainly worked with the standard software and hardware serial libraries in XOD - which have worked really well - mainly for duplax communication with 4D Systems LCD screens. What would you be using the Easy Transfer library for?


Thank you.
Easy transfer library used for simple communication with 2 arduino on rs485 or etc.: EasyTransfer Arduino Library « The Mind of Bill Porter

A NIR spectrometer would be a good addition, even for basic identifications. something similar to the “SCIO” unit

What kinds of spectral range and samples werer you interested in? Are the AS7263 and AS7261 devices from AMS (AS7263 spectral sensing engine | ams) of interest? They include 6 near-IR channels: 610nm, 680nm, 730nm, 760nm, 810nm and 860nm, each with 20nm FWHM - and are relatively cheap - Sparkfun have a breakout board for US$25 (SparkFun Spectral Sensor Breakout - AS7263 NIR (Qwiic) - SEN-14351 - SparkFun Electronics). I’m not sure if anyone has converted the Arduino library to XOD yet though.

Also, there is XOD support for NIR spectrometer CO2 sensors (wayland/scd30-co2-rh-temp) - but a dedicated device…

I don’t have specific needs of one, just would be a cool project build, Thanks for the Info Ill look into those components.

Wow, it’s really great to share! If I have new ideas in this regard, I will inform you at the first time!

XODders might also be interested in the Fritzing part that we’ve had made for the Seeed Grove Beginners Kit - which makes documenting hardware wiring much clearer. (Great for project descriptions). Lots of Fritzing parts for other hardware elements available on their web site.


I’m new here, less than an hour, and haven’t seen how or where I can buy some of the above interesting components.
Regarding keeping this site operational if you have a paypal account then we could each pay in an amount when we see we benefit from the resources.

If you are looking to purchase parts from XOD site, that is not going to happen. XOD is just the GUI for coding Arduino with library for sharing code, documentation on how to use it, and this forum to help the community to support each other. There is no store here. Individual parts are generally available from multiple vendors. Kits might only have a single vendor and only be available for a limited time, so you may not have any luck looking for kits mentioned in old posts, unfortunately.

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My primary intention was to build a digital clock with large 12 digit display which showed 2023 03 23 15:41 the time (in this, the only correct format) otherwise commercially, not available. If this could be further used for controlling a farm irrigation system, and more, then any suggestions how to go about this endeavour efficiently would be appreciated.

You will need a Real Time Clock (RTC) module to know the “real” time. There are old discussions covering that topic.

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The following link might be helpful too:

Thanks for your suggestion:
“Real-Time Clock Counts Seconds,
Minutes, Hours, Date of the Month, Month,
Day of the Week, and Year with Leap-Year
Compensation Valid Up to 2100”
Does not say if the full correct date is available and I need the centuries displayed. So I fear it does not include the correct date: 2023 03 25 17:09

The description you included says it includes year (with caveat that leap-year calculations might be wrong after 2100). The XOD nodes that exist for RTC that I’ve looked at return year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds output. You would just need to convert them to a string to get the format you want.

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