I started to work with XOD a few week ago and im really loving it!
Now ive got a Display with a SH 1106 Driver instead of a SSD1306…
On Hackaday ive found, thats the only difference between them is the Memory- Map (132 instead of 124).
Its my first time, i try to implement a C++ Library and im not sure how to do this… which would be the best way to do it? Can i just change the existing SSD1306 node to another library (maybe [https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2](U8G2 from Olikraus), or OLED SSD1306 - SH1106 from Fabio Durigon(cannot post 2 links maybe google it))
Does anyone have a few hints for me, how to do this?
An alternative approach would be to wrap one of the Arduino libraries you mentioned (U8G2 or OLED SSD1306 - SH1106). Instructions for wrapping Arduino libraries can be found here: https://xod.io/docs/guide/wrapping-arduino-libraries/. In this case you will create your own graphics nodes from the methods in the Arduino library, rather than make use of the xod/graphics nodes.
Thanks alot for your answer… ive started now with your 2nd advice and try to get it work…
Started to create mine on the base of your oled- i2c wrapper… seems to work until i want to load a second header out of the u8g2lib.h (u8x8.h that should be downloaded with the rest of the github stuff)
Thank you and sorry for my late response… trying to get it work… my c++ skills are not up to date but im learning atm… So ill come back when im doing some steps forward…