The datasheet refers to the 74HC595 as an “8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches; 3-state.” In other words, you can use it to control 8 outputs at a time while only taking up a few pins on your microcontroller. Normal use 3 pins, or 5 pin with Enable and Clear.
As it is a device, the main node is one, which is combined with others to complete the function.
DS (data serial) — pin 14 HC595
LT (latch) — pin 12 HC595
CLK (clock) — pin 11 HC595
CLR (clear -reset) — pin 10 HC595 (low)
EN (enable) — pin 13 HC595 (low)
DEV (output device) — connection to the rest of the nodes
I do not have the knowledge in C ++ or in XOD-C to do it
Wow cesars
This is a perfect example of what is needed to easily make new Nodes for people.
As a result here it is ready for testing.
I have one somewhere around here i will test it tomorrow night if you don’t beat me to it. bradzilla84/74hc595
Actually, the pins of the 595 have driven me crazy, and I did not clarify well.
An ENABLE is active with LOW and a CLEAR is active with LOW, so in order to function normally, EN-LOW & CLR-HIGH is needed.
it would not work with the other nodes, would have to put something like that
But I thought that maybe they are not necessary, and it’s enough with DS, CLK and LATCH.
That would not be a problem, I have not managed to make it work.
Simulating the HC595, with DATA to Vcc and inverted CLK + LATCH signal I have correct displacement.
But when loading the hex does not work, the signals do not seem to be synchronized and do not send data. Checking the library seems to be all right, I understand very little
In HC595-device you could add a Number SRn (num shift register) and place it here
… ShiftRegister74HC595 (getValue <input_SRn> (ctx), getValue <input_DS> (ctx)