How to implement double click, triple click and so on

Hi all
I’m not really new to arduino, but new to node zyrocoding, I tried to get a double click using delays, combo counters but it was some kind of complicated circuit, no good, and it did not work properly
Please help, if someone has a library of double, triple, quadruple and so on pressing
need for a project control panel on the table, just three buttons to control the smart home in the room (lights, doors, outlets, and other sensors with dimmers and leds)
thanks in advance everyone!

Всем привет
я не совсем новичок в ардуино, но новичок в нодовом зирокодинге, я пытался получить двойное нажатие с помощью задержек, комбо счетчиков но получалась какая-то сложная схема, не пойдет, да и оно не работало должным образом
помогите пожалуйста, может у кого есть библиотека двойного-тройного-четверного и так далее нажатия
нужен для проекта панели управления на столе, всего с помощью трех кнопкок управлять умным домом в комнате (свет, двери, розетки, и прочие датчики с диммером и светодиодами)
Заранее спасибо всем!

Here is a starting point:
Tweak-pulse is used for button. The watch node at the bottom shows us what value is stored in buffer. You can shorten delay by using fractions like 0.5 for 1/2 second…it determines how quickly each click must be to add to click count vs start a new count.

As long as delay doesn’t expire/end, count increases each time button is pressed. When delay expires, count is copied to buffer and counter is reset (using defer node to make sure buffer updates before reset). The same defer node can be used to trigger an action based on number stored in buffer, which indicates how many times the button was clicked.

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thank you so much
I’ve been going around and around this scheme

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