Ethernet W5100 Shield with SD card & I2C 2004 LCD + RTC do not work together

Please help all experienced XODers.
I want
A) to display the Real time ON&Off (Button) on LCD20x04 using RTC
B) and Log in the SDcard on the W5100 Shield.
first part (A) done successfully worked flawlessly.
when i add W5500 & SDlog the LCD and The buttons,LCD everything do not work.
SDcard CS set to D4, LCD i2c Address 27, RTC i2c 68…

Main purpose is to log the ON & Off time of a machine to see its downtime in the ethernet or internet thats all including a local display on the LCD & saved in the SD as well.

thanks XODers

hi, check if something like this works DHT22 on I²C Led display only sends ERR (reads 0.00)
use the pulse to update the lcd

My buttons and RTC 1307 time displayed OK on the LCD works fine before I put in the SDLog node & the W5100.
Tested before using VR & Pot & LDR as A0 input display all ok.
When load the SDlog node n Ethernet the whole thing hang there…No respond

Thanks for responding Cesars appreciate it

place a defer in the pulse lines, to W for example

Unfortunatelly Ethernet + SD + I2C LCD + RTC do not fit into 2 KB of Arduino Uno SRAM. I doubt you will succeed with raw Arduino C++ (using the stock libraries). A more powerful board will do the trick. Consider Mega 2560 (easiest migration) or M0.