Esptool.exe not recognized

After doing a package update compile fails and i get this message ‘/esptool.exe’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Any ideas anyone?

You may be able to fix this problem by reinstalling the affected esp package. Close the XOD IDE and then browse to the packages directory on your computer. On my mac the packages directory is located here:

If you are on windows it will probably be something like:

Delete the directory for the affected package. This will either be esp8266 or esp32.

Restart the XOD IDE and when you deploy your patch, the esp package should be reinstalled.

I’ve not encountered this problem before, so I can’t promise that the instructions above will solve the problem. Let us know how you get on.

Thanks Matt for your reply, I solved the problem late yesterday, when I updated the packages and tools it would appear that the update expects an updated version of esptools.exe, my version was 4.2.1 in the 4.2.1 sub directory of the esp_py directory. After the packages update the compiler no longer uses the 4.2.1 directory. I created a 4.5.1 directory and moved esp tools.exe into it and now all is well.


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