I have a dht11-hygrometer and I installed the library for it xod-dev/dht I have an UNO and the dht11 output pin is connected to pin 10, + to 5v and - to gnd. When I upload to the UNO I get the following message
=== Debug session started ===
XOD_ERR:121:7:31 code
I have two watch nodes attached one to Tc and one to RH they will flash between ERR and very briefly a number Tc 25.0 and RH 34 which I interpret are the Temp and humidity respectively temp is in C.
The dht11-hygrometer node perimeter box turns red and the text in the watch nodes is also red.
when I added the clock it would alternate flashing with ERR and the dht node boarder in red for 1 second and then white with the actual temp and RH for 1 second. clock IVAL is 1.
I placed the sensor in my hand and then the ERR stopped and the readings changed. Then I put the sensor down and after a bit the ERR began again.
I added a count node and linked it to the clock node with a watch. changed the clock IVAL to 10 and NO ERR. In my mixing station I want to record the outside temp & RH every time a batch is made. I also want to record the temp & RH every 15 minutes, this will give me an idea of how much solution is being consumed by the plants during various times of the day.
I purchased a “Geekstory Micro SD Card Module Mini TF Card Adapter Reader Module and Write Module with SPI Interface Driver Module + 40pcs Female to Male Dupont Cable Line for Arduino (Pack of 5pcs with Cables)” from amazon so far not able to get it to work any suggestions where I can read up on making this work in XOD.