ANALOG INPUT range is 0.00 - 1.00

ARDUINO sensors and ADC inputs produce a 0-1023 range of numbers.
XOD is not so.

This is by-design. The context-free range from 0.0 to 1.0 seems like a more natural choice. In Arduino you have to map between 0-1023 (0-4095 on some boards) and 0-255 quite often, and the ranges themselves could look quite odd if you’re not familiar with bits and bytes.

0-1 range should make many nodes directly compatible without any mappings

I’ve tried a simple patch:

With a potentiometer on analog input A0 (14) and a LED on 9.

When I rotate the knob, LED’s brightness smoothly changes. Can you confirm that it does not work for you?

Yes, it is incomplete. The big idea is to have watches. The kind of nodes that once connected to a particular pin shows the value in real-time and effectively are small serial monitors that show only values associated with them.