0.96 Inch 4Pin White IIC I2C OLED Display For Arduino

Hi there! The problem is not with the @wayland library but indeed with XOD itself.

To be more precise, XOD uses the so-called “placement new” operator heavily which was not defined on some platforms. So it defines its own implementation. Recently official Arduino released “Arduino AVR Boards version 1.8.2” which carries the implementation natively. So, now you get the error of placement new defined multiple times:

... blah blah blah

new.cpp.o (symbol from plugin): In function `operator new(unsigned int)':
(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `operator new(unsigned int, void*)'

... blah blah blah

... report to XOD developers.

The issue was fixed recently with the release of XOD 0.32.1. Feel free to update to get rid of the error.