XOD can’t upload to newer Nanos directly yet

when might the above issue be resolved

Hello! Are you selecting a proper processor model in the Upload dialog?

It should be ATmega328P (not the one with the “Old Bootloader”) suffix. If so, can you upload with Arduino IDE? What version of Arduino IDE are you using and what board options do you have set?

February 18
Hello! Are you selecting a proper processor model in the Upload dialog?


It should be ATmega328P (not the one with the “Old Bootloader”) suffix. If so, can you upload with Arduino IDE? What version of Arduino IDE are you using and what board options do you have set?

February 18
Hello! Are you selecting a proper processor model in the Upload dialog?


It should be ATmega328P (not the one with the “Old Bootloader”) suffix. If so, can you upload with Arduino IDE? What version of Arduino IDE are you using and what board options do you have set?

  1. I am selecting the NANO with the ATmega328P using the new Bootloader and I did try the old Bootloader

  2. Arduino IDE 1.8.1 installed on the 8/1/2019 and checked for updates and it said all packeges and toolchains are up to date

  3. I installed XOD on the 15/1/2019 version 0.27.0 and updated each time it said a newer version was avaliable I think it is 31 now…

  4. I was only asking as i had completed all the supporting hardware of my project and had intended it to utilise the NANO


Sep '18

Ok, folks, thank you for the feedback! With it, the root cause seems quite obvious. I’ve put an issue 3on the GitHub.

Long story short: @dox you have an older Nano, @m0iti you have a newer Nano. XOD can’t upload to newer Nanos directly yet. Arduino IDE can upload to both, a user has to choose his version.

Many Thanks and kind regards

David Baxter

The selection of Amtel atmega328p Xplained mini was found to work with the newer Nano’s. The problem seems to originate with the baud rates.

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Thanks I did as you suggested and now all works fine.
Have a good day.

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