Hey guys i have updated some of the Libraries i have done.
The 74HC595 is a “8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches; 3-state.” In other words, you can use it to control 8 outputs at a time while only taking up a few pins on your microcontroller. Normal use 3 pins, or 5 pin with Enable and Clear. (With the assistance of Cesars)
This library enables an Arduino board to communicate with the Arduino TFT LCD screen. It simplifies the process for drawing shapes, lines, images(COMING SOON), and text to the screen. The Arduino TFT library extends the Adafruit GFX, and Adafruit ST7735 libraries that it is based on. The GFX library is responsible for the drawing routines, while the ST7735 library is specific to the screen on the Arduino TFT. The Arduino specific additions were designed to work as similarly to the Processing API as possible. This is just a Wrapper for the Arduino TFT Library…
For use with Freetronics OLED128 128x128 pixel OLED display(Just a test Lib, Stay tuned for Arduino TFT Lib to be released soon to support TFT LCD’s in general)
This is an example of the Adafruit 16-channel PWM & Servo driver Just a simple wrapper
Basic Functionality for NeoPixel Strip (See Examples)
Just a quick example of a preset select/Pack/Unpack Patch…Can Be adjusted in code to more or less inputs
This is a touch display Wrapper for the common Adafruit TouchScreen. Can be used to map display to touch values and make Keypads and Menus.(More examples to come)
Memsic MX2125 Dual-axis Accelerometer library for Arduino
And soon to come:
Supports boards:
SUPPORT_0139 //S6D0139 +280 bytes
SUPPORT_0154 //S6D0154 +320 bytes
SUPPORT_1289 //SSD1289,SSD1297 (ID=0x9797) +626 bytes, 0.03s
SUPPORT_1580 //R61580 Untested
SUPPORT_1963 //only works with 16BIT bus anyway
SUPPORT_4532 //LGDP4532 +120 bytes. thanks Leodino
SUPPORT_4535 //LGDP4535 +180 bytes
SUPPORT_68140 //RM68140 +52 bytes defaults to PIXFMT=0x55
SUPPORT_7781 //ST7781 +172 bytes
SUPPORT_8230 //UC8230 +118 bytes
SUPPORT_8347D //HX8347-D, HX8347-G, HX8347-I, HX8367-A +520 bytes, 0.27s
SUPPORT_8347A //HX8347-A +500 bytes, 0.27s
SUPPORT_8352A //HX8352A +486 bytes, 0.27s
SUPPORT_8352B //HX8352B
SUPPORT_8357D_GAMMA //monster 34 byte
SUPPORT_9225 //ILI9225-B, ILI9225-G ID=0x9225, ID=0x9226 +380 bytes
SUPPORT_9326_5420 //ILI9326, SPFD5420 +246 bytes
SUPPORT_9342 //costs +114 bytes
Adafruit SleepyDog
Arduino library to use the watchdog timer for system reset and low power sleep.
Currently supports the following hardware:
- Arduino Uno or other ATmega328P-based boards.
- Arduino Mega or other ATmega2560- or 1280-based boards.
- Arduino Zero, Adafruit Feather M0 (ATSAMD21).
- Arduino Leonardo or other 32u4-based boards (e.g. Adafruit Feather) WITH CAVEAT: USB Serial connection is clobbered on sleep; if sketch does not require Serial comms, this is not a concern. The example sketches all print to Serial and appear frozen, but the logic does otherwise continue to run. You can restore the USB serial connection after waking up using
and then reconnect to USB serial from the host machine. - Partial support for Teensy 3.X and LC (watchdog, no sleep).
Adafruit Trinket and other boards using ATtiny MCUs are NOT supported.
Would anyone be interested in a MQTT PubSubClient ?