Uart 1 and testing

I’m struggling with testing something.

Arduino micro and nothing else.

I have an arduino micro that is set up to send midi over usb.
I am both sending and recieveing midi from/to the arduino.
I can send fine, but I’m not sure if i’m getting anything back into the arduino.
The reason for this is that I can’t go into debug mode, since that will occupy the arduino and I can’t send midi data to it (it’s using the USB port).

So I thought I could read the reciving data via uart instead.

I have UART-1 connected to a UART print node and in the data field, I have just writtet “test”. I have set the print node to be triggered by a clock that fires 1 time each second.

I then upload it and connect to my arduino via coolterm or arduino serial monitor. All i get is garbled text. Why?
I’m not sure how this should work. All I have is the arduino.
What can I do?

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