Trouble with adding header to program file for use in patch

i added the gweimer library so i could play around with a remote and ir receiver. i read that you need IRremote.h
ive been looking for hours now and cant seem to find where to find it. everything is setup as i want it now lol just trying to find this stupid IRremote.h

It is included with the library. You have to manually copy it from XOD/__lib__/gweimer/IRremote/USER_AppData_Local_Programs_xod-client-electron_resources_arduino-libraries_IRremote to a new IRremote folder in your user\AppData\Local\Programs\xod-client-electron\resources\arduino-libraries.

You will need to re-copy the header files every time you update XOD. Hopefully there will be a better way to include header files in the futureā€¦