When I try to update “rtc-read” to get date and time values from the device, everything jams!
can anyone help?
there is a problem with readings, the update of the display is in loop, the program cannot read the data in time an error occurs. the pulse to UPD must arrive after the reading was made.
I already had a mistake like that
I thought about that and connected the DONE pin of the rtc-read to the UPD pin of the display, still the same result. And just for more info I am using Arduino Mega 2560.
When debug is running, open rtc and you will see that the problem is read. Maybe it will be solved in a new version, but now you can comment on the first line in “read i2c” node
//#pragma XOD error_raise enable
#pragma XOD error_raise disable
it’s because of an i2c read error
Ok, I will see. Thanks.