My first XOD Tutorial

Hi fellow XODophiles!

I just completed my very first XOD tutorial in the form of both a YouTube video and an article on my website. It’s a beginners tutorial that shows you how to use XOD.

I start by explaining the principles of XOD and then move on to using the IDE to build an enhanced version of the classic Arduino “Blink” sketch.

I then move on to build an LCD Temperature and Humidity display using an LCD1602 with I2C connector and a DHT22 temperature sensor. It also has a push button to allow you to switch between a Celsius and Fahrenheit display.

The YouTube video is here - .

The corresponding article is at

I would appreciate any feedback that you could provide as I intend to continue this series of tutorials. And I’ll warn you now, it’s a long video - you might want to cook up some popcorn before you start watching it!



Excellent Merci très bien expliqué :smiley:

Thanks for that nice XOD Video, that tutorial leads me to this community.

denven took my words from my mouth. It’s a very nice and educational video. Thanks! :slight_smile: