Multiple OLED screens

Hi all,
Im fairly new to XOD and I was wondering how I can hook up multiple OLED screens to my I2C. I’m making 2 gauges with different numbers and text however I do not understand how to display different things on them. I have one going to the bus but I cant add a second on a different address?
Any help would be much appreciated.

Hello tbollenb3,
maybe it could work if you use seperate bus names for your i2c.
Like I2C1 and I2C2 or som else.

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Basically what chris-cross said. You created 2 oled-i2c devices, but you are only using one of them. If you label your to/from-bus nodes & create a 2nd bus for the 2nd display, it should work.


Hm okay so that worked more or less. It isn’t fighting in the code however they are both still displaying the same message in on the screens. Is it that need to physically change the address of the screen to tell them apart?
EDIT: I also Tried changing the address on the node its self and it didn’t change anything…

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@tbollenb3 Have you tried XOD graphics library?

Also, please note, each ssd1306 display require 1KB RAM. So you cant run 2 displays for example on UNO, Micro, Nano, etc

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@tbollenb3 I’d also recommend the XOD graphics library. Whichever library you use, your OLEDs will need different I2C addresses. SSD1306 displays often have jumpers on the reverse for changing the I2C address. Alternatively you could use an I2C multiplexer:

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As a simple alternative, you can use a 4052b, since using only 2 devices you can control them with A, and the i2c signals in X - Y

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