Missing library need help !

Hi everybody !
I discover with pleasure XOD.
I like a lot!
I used to tinker with Arduino and some libraries!
I can not find these libraries here!
Can anyone recreate these libraries or explain to me how to do it if it is not too complicated.
As libraries I use DMX MAX485 (Professional Light Control), Rotary Encoder.
Thank you for your feedback and your precious help!

Hi Clement, do you have created the DMX librairie?

There is basic info here about writing your own nodes: User Guide — XOD
Specifically, there is the option of taking existing Arduino IDE libraries and wrapping them to create XOD libraries: Wrapping Class-based Arduino Libraries — XOD

Unfortunately, none of these options are anywhere near as easy as using existing XOD libraries. You will need to be able to understand C++ code enough to at least look at existing examples and determine which parts need to be copied and what needs to be modified to create your own wrapper or to re-create the IDE code in XOD form.

I’m excited about XOD and enjoying it a lot! I have experience tinkering with Arduino and some specific libraries like DMX MAX485 for professional light control and Rotary Encoder.

Hi, if you have created a DMX library for Xod, could you publish it please? Thanks.