Library for reading an PT100?

I’ve been hunting around for a way to read an RTD with a library supported by XOD.

I’ve even attempted converting Adafruit’s MAX31865 library over myself, but i can’t code in text based languages to save my life.

Are there any alternatives im not aware of?

Hello! As far as I understand, the “max31865” works via the SPI interface. Unfortunately, XOD does not yet have nodes exclusively for working with SPI, so for “max31865” it is necessary to make an Arduino library wrapper. But if you don’t want to work with code, try an alternative. There is an i2c library in xod ide. As an option for “i2c” you can try max6698 and work with xod ide “i2c” nodes. Try reading about max6698 or other i2c alternative. Good luck!

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