Помощь. Изучаю дисплей ICST7735

Имеется дисплей ICST7735 1,77. Не могу понять как отобразить хотя-бы точку. Помогите примером. Подключен дисплей: cs - d10, dc - d9, rst -d8. Как выяснить какой у меня тип экрана? B G RG RR

XOD has limited support for displays. Searching Libraries — XOD has no matches, but Libraries — XOD does, including xod-dev, which indicates support is built-in. Searching for st7735 nodes in xod will show that there is an entire folder of nodes for this device. Looking at some of those nodes, they are expecting to display GFX “A tree of graphic elements created using the xod/graphics library.”

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