(Driver controller) to drive the 2 motor using XOD

check out my post on serial accumulation and talk-back.

once you get the communication happening, you gotta parse the strings… I’ve been fighting strings forever, and they’ve been dogging me down. The issue is that C++ isn’t like other language like VBA, for example. A lot of the C++ functionality requires KEEN understanding of pointers, addresses, memory, size of value… I’m getting it slowly, but it’s a long road.

In any case, you may be able to get examples from the actual arduino .ino examples for talking between boards, too. I’ve seen tons, and they are already in the correct syntax.

Now, the idea is that you want to parse a command from the string. The easiest is to actually just have each character be a command, and maybe have a number value after the command that has an intensity. Like, F105 for “Forward 105 steps”…

Really, as soon as you get the UART between the boards, you’ll almost be there.

here’s an example in XOD for what you want