When you upload to Arduino board, you need to select your model. XOD has 4 options for Nano. The first time you upload to a model, you will need internet access to install the appropriate AVR Tools for that model. If that is not possible, there are other threads for manually installing AVR Tools.
I assume you are using A1, A2, etc. for other ports. I don’t know why that would be producing errors unless you are trying to use A8, which would not exist on Nano.
The Nano tools updated perfectly via internet and a test XOD program compiled and installed perfectly also.
I am using Analog Ports A0-A7 as inputs to 8 individual POT nodes.
Errors for all but port A0:
“Undeclared identifier…”
“not a class…”
“not a structure…”
If I use A0 for all POT node inputs, the program compiles fine.