Arduino Due soft uart upload error

Hi volks,

I try to upload this sketch to arduino due, but I get an error within compiling. I also try to upload it with arduino IDE but it doesen’t work. I have noticed that, if I delete the soft-uart node it’s possibel to upload the sketch! But I need soft-uart.
Maybe someone now what to do with that kind of error.


C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-0F26D9368F0525880D2A84CB11E9238E\sketch\xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino.cpp.o: In function xod::xod__uart__soft_uart::SoftwareUart::begin()': C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\xod_temp_sketchbookRygL7P\xod_1598642169960_sketch/xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino:1304: undefined reference to SoftwareSerial::begin(long)’
C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-0F26D9368F0525880D2A84CB11E9238E\sketch\xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino.cpp.o: In function xod::xod__uart__soft_uart::SoftwareUart::end()': C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\xod_temp_sketchbookRygL7P\xod_1598642169960_sketch/xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino:1308: undefined reference to SoftwareSerial::end()’
C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-0F26D9368F0525880D2A84CB11E9238E\sketch\xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino.cpp.o: In function SoftwareUart': C:\Users\MDHL \AppData\Local\Temp\xod_temp_sketchbookRygL7P\xod_1598642169960_sketch/xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino:1264: undefined reference to SoftwareSerial::SoftwareSerial(unsigned char, unsigned char, bool)’
C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-0F26D9368F0525880D2A84CB11E9238E\sketch\xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino.cpp.o: In function xod::xod__uart__soft_uart::SoftwareUart::available()': C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\xod_temp_sketchbookRygL7P\xod_1598642169960_sketch/xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino:1274: undefined reference to SoftwareSerial::available()’
C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-0F26D9368F0525880D2A84CB11E9238E\sketch\xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino.cpp.o: In function xod::xod__uart__soft_uart::SoftwareUart::writeByte(unsigned char)': C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\xod_temp_sketchbookRygL7P\xod_1598642169960_sketch/xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino:1278: undefined reference to SoftwareSerial::write(unsigned char)’
C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-0F26D9368F0525880D2A84CB11E9238E\sketch\xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino.cpp.o: In function xod::xod__uart__soft_uart::SoftwareUart::readByte(unsigned char*)': C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\xod_temp_sketchbookRygL7P\xod_1598642169960_sketch/xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino:1282: undefined reference to SoftwareSerial::read()’
C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-0F26D9368F0525880D2A84CB11E9238E\sketch\xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino.cpp.o: In function xod::xod__uart__soft_uart::SoftwareUart::flush()': C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\xod_temp_sketchbookRygL7P\xod_1598642169960_sketch/xod_1598642169960_sketch.ino:1311: undefined reference to SoftwareSerial::flush
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Multiple libraries were found for “TinyGPS++.h”
Used: C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\xod_temp_sketchbookRygL7P\libraries\TinyGPSPlus

Using library TinyGPSPlus at version 1.0.2 in folder: C:\Users\MDHL\AppData\Local\Temp\xod_temp_sketchbookRygL7P\libraries\TinyGPSPlus

Error: exit status 1
Compilation failed.
Compilation failed
Command Process exited with code 1
The generated C++ code contains errors. It can be due to a bad node implementation or if your board is not compatible with XOD runtime code. The original compiler error message is above. Fix C++ errors to continue. If you believe it is a bug, report the problem to XOD developers.

Arduino IDE error:

There are lots of these “undefined reference” errors for SoftwareSerial. Are you sure your model of Arduino supports this?


and thanks for making me think.
After that I found following out:

On the arduino page is described about the library for the Mega 2560, the design of the mega is similar to the DUE. At that point I would say yes soft uart should work on the due too.

Additional I found a reference at the arduino forum to the link at github for an implementation of an library.

But at that point that all is out of my range right now. I tried different things but no suceed right now.
That is all I can contribute.

Have anyone of you guys @gabbapeople @wayland @nkrkv an idee how to solf the soft-uart issue with the arduino due? Thanks in advance!

I’m afraid I don’t have a solution for the soft-uart issue. However, I was wondering if you really need to use software serial for your project? Have you considered using one of the four hardware UARTs on the DUE?

Sometimes you stand in your own way!
Thanks for the push!

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