Hi all,
I’ve been playing around with this nice program and have a lot of fun doing this, but at the moment I’m kind of stuck trying to send some variables from an app that I made in Mit App Inventor and saving them to or reading them from the eeprom memory.
I was wondering if anyone already made a node to save something and/or read something from eeprom memory.
Or can someone explain what to type in the not implemented in xod node.
I tried to do this myself by looking at some other nodes and copy paste something together but I get a bunch of error messages.
I’m kind of new to arduinos and programing but I think if I got an example I could make some other nodes like update.eeprom etc.
I found the eeprom library somewhere in the folders of xod (not in the Arduino libraries folder)
I don’t know if I have to copy it also to the Arduino libraries folder.
I also have some other questions:
How do I use the ‘if-available’ uart node ?
Does it wait till something is available, or do I have to loop back the ‘no’ output with a defer node to check again if something came in over serial?
Is there a way to type something in xod to send to the Arduino over serial when I use debug after upload. I can’t use the serial monitor in the Arduino ide (com port is busy )
Is using the delay node just as bad practice as using delay in Arduino code? (Do I have to avoid it if possible)?
Is there already support for the cheap Chinese clones like the pro Mini or the Pro Micro?
Can I use “Arduino as ISP” to upload my projects to a board that hasn’t got a USB port?
I’m hoping someone can help with some of these questions.