tell me can i connect an button to an analog pin on an arduino nano, it says that you are an analog pin from A0-A5 also digital? can they drive a diode or read a button on analog pins or are they for analog inputs only?
in xod there is always a tag for pin A … (by default A0 let’s say) do I have to type differently when I plug in an analog pin button or diode?
What if I have a button on the analog pin 3 and a diode on the other side of the digital 3?
Thanks for sharing your patch. You can switch off text-wrapping by setting the WRAP input pin on the draw-text node to false. This will stop one line overwriting the next, but of course you will still have the issue that you don’t have enough space to display the full line. If you’re working with numbers you could use the format-number node to set the number of digits you want to display.