Hey all, i’ve been trying to read Serial Data from one arduino to another using Nano through RX, TX pins to another TX,RX
Transmitter side using ( D2) button and receiver side using (D3) LED
which node is using of Both boads . pls help
There’s a couple of Forum posts on this topic
Greetings everyone.
I have found XOD a week ago searching for a visual programming IDE for microcontrollers, like Arduino.
I am working on a project of a PLC to give a “brain” to some machines.
So I need to work with two microcontrollers together.
The first one will have an application for machine control, reading, processing, and writing data (much better XOD than C++ for that), and the second will have its GPIOs connected to field interface electronic circuits (reading and writing data).
Below is an example of Serial Com from the Computer to UART-0 (Mega) collecting the command and sending it back while printing it on a 16x2 parallel LCD. Overall, it works, but I feel it’s clunky, it could miss consecutive commands, and could be better written in the cpp not-implemented-in-xod node.
Serial communication is still required for some applications, particularly in the science industry. Typically, a the computer sends a serial message to the unit, and the unit responds and sends a me…
November 3, 2021, 5:11pm
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