Here is another test of OLED SSD1306, with a graph of values.
Place some nodes in the graphic
patch to reduce the main
Sensor-SSD1306-128x32.xodball (38.1 KB)
Here is another test of OLED SSD1306, with a graph of values.
Place some nodes in the graphic
patch to reduce the main
Sensor-SSD1306-128x32.xodball (38.1 KB)
Another simple test, move logo with analog joystick (A0-A1), if it reaches a limit min or max invert logo
joystick-logo-SSD1306.xodball (48.8 KB)
New test oscillogram, old value in pixel to rigth.
oscillogram-v2-SSD1306.xodball (41.1 KB)
Clock 0.02
Clock 0.5 and pot.
Oh, I can’t try all your ideas in time
I’m playing for a while
Why are the Files down?