I have started working with Xod and decided to implement some stuffs (will provide .xodball if needed)
I can’t seem to figure out why Xod is complaining about there being loops without defer. Is there any way to find out?
I see IDX flags for input pins, but none tied to output pin. I assume that happens below what is shown, and you are “looping” back up with that data. When you create a loop in XOD, it doesn’t know how to order all the operations. By putting a “delay” node in the path that loops back around, it provides a break-point for XOD to know how to do scheduling. The easiest option is probably to put a delay node between the output pin and the IDX flag. If other flags cause loops, you will need to do the same with them.
I have restructured my code and in the process found out the error.
STOP (to-bus not visible in the screenshot) was computed from the TICK pulse of count-with-pulse. I was feeding that value directly into count-with-pulse again, which caused the loop. Adding a defer between STOP and count-with-pulse’s RST fixed the problem.
try this library cesars/tm1637, for some tests of @jh295 can confirm that it works, I’m working on another, but I need some tests before publishing it and I do not have hardware now
Yes, cesars/tm1637 library worked nicely with an Open Smart Rich UNO R3 multifunction board, and an external 4-digit display - both with TM1637 driver chips. I’m in the process of putting together some tutorial material for the use of XOD nodes with the Open Smart board - should be up in the next couple of days. Jim H.