Installing on Jetson nano

I am trying to install on a Jetson Nano and I have xod-client-electron_0.29.1_amd64.deb in my downloads folder. I have double clicked it and gone through what I thought was an installation process. I cannot find XOD anywhere on my linux system. Is there a trick to installing XOD for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS?

Attempts to use apt-get have failed. Surely there is someone out there that has installed this on linux?

Also I believe the Nano has an arm cpu - I am guessing that the package will only work on amd cpu based on the file name. grrrr I’ll have to find another way. Any thoughts, anyone??

Hello! Yes, XOD is not in Ubuntu repositories yet, so it won’t install with apt-get. You can sudo dpkg -i xod-client-electron_0.29.1_amd64.deb to install from .deb. Double-clicking does the same though.

After installation, you should find XOD among installed apps. Do you have Gnome Shell? Press the Windows key and type XOD to find it.

Ok thanks for the info on that. dpkg failed because of incompatible system hardware - basicaly the Jetson Nano development board is an ARM64 system and XOD is compiled for AMD64.

Just wanted to state it for the record.

The solution (for me) is to use the browser IDE or use a windows machine.

Thanks for your help!

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