How to move the workspace up/down

I have installed the program on my macbook but I’m not able to move the workspace up or down. My only option to view my complete program is to zoom out.

When I’m working in XOD I’m able to drag the workspace by holding the space bar and then clicking and dragging. I run Linux but I assume it’s the same for a Mac.

Thanks for the reply. Let you know if it works.

It worked fine … thanks

PS to XOD: please add this to the manual … I could not find this instruction.

It is documented, but maybe it’s not obvious where that article is. Do you have any ideas on how can we make it more apparent?

I should make a separate item with instruction “How To” about the program interface. I also have being looking for the Quick Help instruction “H”. That was easy to find but on the You Tube instructions you see the window is much bigger, you see also the diagrams. I have being trying to make the Help Window wider but it did not work. This kind of instructions should be very helpful for a beginner as me.

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