Today I did the Arduino as ISP test uploading a XODball to a digispark clone Attiny85 using David A. Mellis Attiny json in the Arduino IDE and exporting the Arduino code from XOD and pasting it into the Arduino IDE and Uploading using Arduino as ISP programmer and as expected it worked. As I am a new user here I cannot upload the .xodball file but will try pasting the text from the xodball file which if the forum software does not filter out its syntax should be copy able and paste able into a local empty .xodball file and loaded into your own xod instance.
EDIT the forum does corrupt the syntax formatting by converting the programmers standard Quotes (SHIFT + 2) on UK keyboard into non parse-able “pretty quote characters” I think I have a workaround using \ prefix to each " we shall see! It did not work 
The reader interested in using the enclosed XODBALL data will have to use find and replace in a programmers editior or decent plain text editor to find the specific wrong each individual “” characters and replacing them with " characters each and saving the resultant file as a .xodball file that should then load into XOD gui… phew that was far tooo much work!
I originally produced this one because I wondered if one could emulate a multi-threaded program by producing 3 isolated square wave generators with different frequencies and duty cycles switching 3 different LEDs off and on at independent rates. Originally it flashed the Arduino UNO R3 built in LED and Tx and Rx LEDs. This version flashes 3 LEDS on 3 pins one is the built in clone digisparks on PB1 and a potential external LED on PB0 and another potential LED on PB3 these pins are also potentially analoguewrite() PWM pins under digisparks core but may not be so equipped under David A, Mellis Attiny definitions.
“name”: “”,
“patches”: {
“@/main”: {
“links”: {
“Hk1YUFpum”: {
“id”: “Hk1YUFpum”,
“input”: {
“nodeId”: “BkokSKTd7”,
“pinKey”: “HyYh1a3LZ”
“output”: {
“nodeId”: “rJQ_LYauQ”,
“pinKey”: “S1aYu6KJf”
“HyMYLY6_X”: {
“id”: “HyMYLY6_X”,
“input”: {
“nodeId”: “S1hkrFaOQ”,
“pinKey”: “HyYh1a3LZ”
“output”: {
“nodeId”: “BylXu8tpu7”,
“pinKey”: “S1aYu6KJf”
“HysOIt6dQ”: {
“id”: “HysOIt6dQ”,
“input”: {
“nodeId”: “S1-y4Ya_7”,
“pinKey”: “HyYh1a3LZ”
“output”: {
“nodeId”: “Hk_wLtadm”,
“pinKey”: “S1aYu6KJf”
“nodes”: {
“BkokSKTd7”: {
“boundLiterals”: {
“B1oqkTnIb”: “D0”,
“HyYh1a3LZ”: “1”
“id”: “BkokSKTd7”,
“label”: “TX LED”,
“position”: {
“x”: 102,
“y”: 204
“type”: “xod/common-hardware/led”
“BylXu8tpu7”: {
“boundLiterals”: {
“BJ5HJ6t1f”: “0.9”,
“rJS8ypK1z”: “0.2”
“id”: “BylXu8tpu7”,
“position”: {
“x”: 271,
“y”: -1
“type”: “xod/core/square-wave”
“Hk_wLtadm”: {
“boundLiterals”: {
“BJ5HJ6t1f”: “0.60”
“id”: “Hk_wLtadm”,
“position”: {
“x”: -1,
“y”: -1
“type”: “xod/core/square-wave”
“S1-y4Ya_7”: {
“boundLiterals”: {
“B1oqkTnIb”: “D3”,
“HyYh1a3LZ”: “1”
“id”: “S1-y4Ya_7”,
“label”: “RX LED”,
“position”: {
“x”: 0,
“y”: 204
“type”: “xod/common-hardware/led”
“S1hkrFaOQ”: {
“boundLiterals”: {
“B1oqkTnIb”: “D1”,
“HyYh1a3LZ”: “0”
“id”: “S1hkrFaOQ”,
“label”: “OnBoard LED”,
“position”: {
“x”: 204,
“y”: 204
“type”: “xod/common-hardware/led”
“rJQ_LYauQ”: {
“boundLiterals”: {
“BJ5HJ6t1f”: “0.3”,
“rJS8ypK1z”: “0.75”
“id”: “rJQ_LYauQ”,
“position”: {
“x”: 135,
“y”: -1
“type”: “xod/core/square-wave”
“path”: “@/main”