Squarewave and digital write

Hi. I’m trying to do something very simple: I want a square wave that outputs its signal to a digital write.
So square high= 5v on pinX
Square low=0v on pinX.

If I connect the out of a square wave to the “sig” of a digital write node, XOD gives me an error:
no known conversion for argument 2 from ‘const bool’ to ‘PinStatus’

What can I do? Thanks

Do both square-wave-OUT and digital-write-SIG show as purple for you? My guess would be that you made a change to one of the built-in nodes. If there is a xod \ __ lib__\xod folder in your workspace, you need to delete or rename it so you have the latest version of builtin nodes.

I haven’t changed anything in any of the nodes.
They are the same color yes.

But maybe i’m misunderstanding how to do this. Is there another/better way?
just having the digital write prohibits me from compiling, even if it’s not connected.
I’m using a raspberry pi pico.

I tried this workaround:

It still doesnt work. The output at pin9 is always low (measured with a voltmeter), even though the watches say true/false and 0/1. Using a PWM write instead of digital write.

I have tried just setting the value of D9 to high with a PWM write and nothing else in the patch. That works fine and D9 is on 3.3 volts
But apperantly when doing it through my patch it doestn change.

Meh. What can I do? buhuuu. I just want to cycle between high/low on a digital output.

Turns out that it was an arduino problem.
The last picture works fine on an arduino uno