Hi XOD´ers,
Happy new year everyone. Last year I’ve started to build and program another automation tool, basically with one stepper, 3 Festo solenoids and endstops on 3 axis. I THOUGHT that’s gonna be a breeze, not so much. I got it working quite okay, but one issue that pops up most of the time, but not EVERY time, which has me confused if it’s in the program or hardware related.
Therefore over the holidays I’ve educated myself on proper flow chart programming on sps systems and rebuild my whole program mostly from ground up. It ran a little better but the issue still persists.
I even optimized the hardware setup a little and tried some stuff, like another supply for the arduino alone if it may have been power surge. But no change.
I’ve attached the file, unfortunately I don’t have the old one on this machine, I’ll add it later on if you wanna check.
What it should do: (for now)
-´home´ stepper (that’s the best layout I’ve been able to come up with) If not already
-Sensor or button triggers
-motor moves arm out X steps and should equally hit endstop for safety ( originally with infinite steps until hits endstop, but it overshot at certain speeds which would prevent further operation)
-pneumatic axis forward
-pneumatic axis back (after X sec cause gripper not confimed)
-motor moves arm X steps back
-pneumatic tilt axis forward
-gripper open (after X sec)
-pneumatic tilt axis back
-motor back to start pos
Every action uses it’s transition requirements and only moves on when met. Didn’t include an alignment impulse yet but I as well may.
Everything is fun and games until it comes to the last step, motor back to start.
-It either does nothing (and the debug mode freezes and doesn’t show live endstop motions anymore, but FYI the tilted back sensor freezes on ´false´ when it should be true for the next step obviously.
-sometimes it does what it’s supposed to
-oddly, it seemingly does what it’s meant to (that’s a hard one to figure out first) but not quite. It moves back home, but it’s the initial home action, and not the last steps return action. figured that one out because the first home move uses slower speed than the last return one.
So it seems to kind of either freeze or reset itself at that point. When all it has to do is literally pulse on true into the stepper node.
I’m using original Arduino Uno, 8 channel relay low trigger, 24v ps, 5v stepdown supply, Lichuan stepper driver, nema 17, 3,9k pulldowns on every endstop (10k at first, gave the 4k a shot to rule that out)
what just came to mind, the pneumatic endstops are 5-30v but I run them on 5 because lazy (haven’t wrapped my head around voltage dividers quite fully ), that may be an issue ?
The wires are not that short though, 800 mm from unit to controlbox. motor and sensors are separate cables.
Let me hear your thoughts and critics,
thanks, Daniel
Picker_22.xodball (83.3 KB)