Library download alternative

I am new to programming and firstly I would like to thank you for this wonderful program, it makes coding very easy.
I do have some questions, is there another way of loading libraries into XOD? I am working on both the 32 and 64 bit versions of XOD, and not all libraries are on both versions.
Internet access is sometimes a problem so I need an alternative method to loading libraries.
Will these libraries work on both versions?

Kindest regards

Hello and welcome!

Not sure what do you mean by 32-bit XOD as we do not support 32-bit platforms. It should not work at all… What OS are you on?

What about libraries they are not related to distributive anyhow. You can install libraries you are interested in and carry your $HOME/xod/__lib__ directory around on a flash drive. XOD libraries are loaded from this workspace directory.